Monday, October 27, 2008

The Work of Kings

I’ve been sleepy lately. I don’t think it’s from a lack of sleep but more because I really enjoy sleeping. I’ve always tried to play to my strengths and lately I think sleeping is where it’s at for me. I often wonder if there is a job market for people to sleep. After all, I’m asleep for almost as many hours a day as I’m at work (not necessarily working though) so why not get paid for it? Maybe I could work at a mattress factory as a professional sleeper. Of course, people don’t just sleep on beds so that might lead to “other duties as assigned” which might not be good.

For the sake of argument, let’s assume there is a market for professional sleepers. I wonder how you would interview for a job like that. Would you be better off if you showed up in pajamas instead of a suit? What if you sat through an entire interview answering questions and showing a true command of the science of sleeping and why you’re the most qualified person for the job but then were denied the job because you were awake the whole time?

Now let’s assume you did get a job as a professional sleeper. Would there be anxiety about job performance thus keeping you awake? How would a yearly evaluation go?

“Well Bill, we’re only giving you a rating of satisfactory this year because you were awake at work too often.” “Take Jones for example, he’s been asleep for three days straight. That’s true dedication to the job.” “You’ll need to try harder to stay asleep while here at the office Bill or we may need to find someone else.”

Maybe it’s not as easy a job as I think it is.

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