Tuesday, October 28, 2008

An Encore from the Little River Band

As November approaches in the SC a grand phenomenon is beginning to unfold. As evidenced in previous posts the fall here has been spectacular so far. Now, however, we begin to transition into what I like to call the true fall-drums (read: weather that is too shitty to do anything remotely fun outside). Today, for example is cold, rainy, and windy. The sky is a soft purply-grey and has a dense cloud cover so there isn’t a single glint of sunshine anywhere. We haven’t had many days like this yet, but I know there will be more. It’s just an inevitability of Central Pennsylvania.

In order to keep me sane during these grey days, I spend most of my time reminiscing about the year that has gone by. A lot has already happened this year and I’m confident there is more to come. It’s been a wild ride so far and included everything from destroying my shoulder when I took a digger on my snowboard to watching a game in Yankee Stadium to having probably the best bar-b-cue sandwich of my life. Sometimes, I have to really think about what went on over the course of this year as it’s been going by so fast. I often feel like I’m forgetting some of the most important parts because it’s hard to remember what actually occurred in this calendar year.

Fortunately, I have pictures to help remind me of what happened. Here are just a few from the past seasons of this year. While these are not the best pictures in the world, the memories I have from the situations surrounding the photos are what’s important. That’s what will keep me going through these pseudo winter days until I can scrape the summer wax off my snowboard, stomp the high gnar, and be outside for another season.

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