Sunday, February 24, 2013

Silly Rabbits

So I'm back from my little internet hiatus.  I will say that I've got much faster, consistent, and better service than I did before, and it's totally worth it.  Sure I'm spending a little more money but now I'm co-habitating with my lady friend so she's helping to pay for it, which is okay by me.  Anyway, since I've got my interwebs back I'm able to continue sending my wisdom to the world.

After many long weeks of work and many long weekends getting the house "organized" for the big move (i.e. the co-habitation), I had a weekend off.  Fortunately, B-Diddy was also hosting the annual rabbit camp.  I took this as an opportunity to enjoy some time out in the woods with guys hanging out at the cabin telling lies, playing cards, and having a few beers.  Also, we were doing so ice fishing and rabbit hunting but that almost seemed secondary.  

To some things up, we ate a lot of really good food that basically consisted of meat being put on a smoker (no vegetables to been seen) and there was a lot of it.  We had pork shoulder, goose, scrapple, bacon wrapped sausage, cheese, and there was also a rabbit that was freshly harvested.  It was all extremely delicious and lots of fun.  Unfortunately I didn't take any rabbits but I had fun blowing through two boxes of shells shooting clays.  Sometimes it's not about the hunt, but more about the time spent hanging out with friends.  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Take Five

No I'm not referring to the late great Dave Brubeck, I'm referring to me, taking a possible break from this little rant I've got going on.  See, for a while now, I've been having issues with my internet service.  While I'm not going to name any names or point any fingers, I will say that the consistency of the connection was less than ideal.

To make a long story short, I had two technicians come to my house, spent hours on the phone with technical support, spent hours on the phone with customer service, and at the end of the day it was going to cost me more to reduce my speed (which I was told would fix my problem).  I took this as a sign that it might be time to part ways with my service provider.  As you might imagine, that was no easy process either.

Now, I'm in the process of getting new internet hooked up, which seems like it is taking more effort than I anticipated.  One service call for installation resulted in the technician telling me that I needed a new line run from the pole to my house, and that he would have to come back later to make that happen.  Apparently it was too late in the night and too cold for him to climb the pole.  I guess the techs don't like working in the dark when it's 18 degrees outside.

So for now, I'm "borrowing" internet from someone in my neighborhood.  It's not the most convenient situation but it works for now.  Of course, this might cause me to miss a post or two in the coming weeks.  But for now, thanks "adam", whoever you are, for letting me use the tubes to get this post up.