Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dating Days; Part 4

These past four weeks have been exciting and depressing, but most of all they have been very informative and educational. As I mentioned a few weeks back I managed to get myself into what some might call a dating situation, but what I like to call a relationship. Granted, it hasn’t been the most conventional of relationships but then again, I’m not the most conventional of daters.

So in my last post I mentioned that the apple of my eye (although I wouldn’t tell her that) Estelle and I were scheduled for a follow-up date. This would hopefully make up for the travesty that was the first bowling/dinner event we engaged in. As previously noted, the plan for this new date was to take in some dinner and a movie. Of course, if my past dating life is any indication of future doings, things were not going to go as smoothly as I would have hoped. And alas, they didn’t.

Wednesday rolled around and I called Estelle to make arrangements for our Thursday dinner and movie “date.” I’d been hearing all about this new flick called the Hunger Games that is supposed to be just about the bees knees so I thought that would be a hip and cool talkie to take in post dinner. I saw in the paper that they were having a special showing on Thursday so I thought I would impress my lady-friend by taking her to the first showing of a hot new Hollywood movie. This would all be preceded by a nice (but not too nice) dinner at a nearby sports bar type place. That way, the random sports could provide some bits of distraction during dinner if the conversation was lagging.

I hope you’re sitting down because what I’m about to tell you seems so fantastic that it could only be made up, yet it’s sadly true. In my focused attempt to make up for the disgrace that was our first “date” I neglected to realize that the entire country is hip-deep in March Madness and a sports bar on game night might be a little raucous. And by a little I mean full on crazytown.

Four college basketball games; all at the same time; and lots of drunk sports fans didn’t make for the most inviting atmosphere for a date. We did spend lots of time making fun of the rabid sports fans but it wasn’t an ideal scenario. More importantly though, dinner took about an hour and a half longer than expected so the movie was definitely out as an option. That turned out to be okay because what I thought was a Thursday opening was really a midnight showing therefore it was technically Friday and I didn’t think Estelle would want to be out until two in the morning at a movie.

While things could have gone better, they weren’t terrible, and that is a plus in my book. If I’ve learned anything from this experience it’s this; check the times on your movies and make sure there are no sporting events when you plan a date at a sports bar. I realize they seem obvious, but when you’re only focused on the date itself, it’s easy to let some of the specifics fall by the wayside. I plan to give Estelle a call later on this week and maybe we’ll get this movie thing in for real. My feeling is that I’m finally wearing her down to the point where she thinks I might just be clever enough to spend some quality time with. Yeah, I’m that guy.

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