Sunday, June 26, 2011


After several long weekends, I can now officially say my deck is finished. Sure there are still a few things left to do like adding in some steps and other small items but for the most part I’m calling it a day. I have furniture on the deck and spent some time relaxing upon its freshly decked surface. Of course, I’m exhausted from all the work but I guess that’s the beauty of spending the time designing and building it but let’s be honest, I really don’t plan to do it again anytime soon.


Lucy Delaney said...

it looks great, I love the stone on the side of the house...nice work there vorwaldia

madam0wl, a.k.a Sandra said...

I have deck envy. Will you paint or stain it reddish to match your screen door? righta circle, lefta circle, breath in, breath out