Sunday, May 9, 2010


Lately I’ve been catching some flak from a few of my fans about the lack of pizazz in my posts. This did not come as a new revelation to me. I, for the most part, lead a very simple and boring life. I can only write about snowboarding or mountain biking for so many weeks in a row without getting bored myself. I get the fact that I need to keep things interesting so people will keep coming back but let’s face it, I can’t be “on” all the time. Even clowns cry once in a while (which makes me more afraid of them).

In order to keep with my plan of posting every week I have to let a few duds slide through. Sometimes my quality control system is off but usually I know when a post is going to be poorly received. Sure I could skip a week or two when I can’t think of anything lively to write but I’d rather disappoint a few readers than let the blog languish for an extended period of time. Besides, if I skip one week what’s to say I’m not going to skip ten? Then where would we be? Being able to write what I want when I want is one of the benefits of being the author of this train wreck (actually, that is the only perk I’ve found to date).

So last week was my 100th post. That’s right 100 times I sat down and strung together a bunch of letters to form some sort of tale either true, false, or somewhere in between. Some posts have been funny while others have been downright dumb. I’ll let you form your own opinions about this post but I think I know how you’re going to feel.

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