Sunday, March 21, 2010

The End & The Beginning

It finally happened. This weekend marked the official end of the lift served central Pennsylvania ski season. The local hill held one last hoorah on Saturday to end what was one of the best years on snow we’ve had in recent memory. The temperatures stayed cold, we didn’t get our standard January thaw, and we actually got a goodly amount of natural snow. Alas, Mother Nature decided it was time to kick off the growing season and has been providing us with warm temperatures and rain; two things that don’t mix well with snow.

I can honestly say I’m not upset that the season has finally come to a close. It’s been a long winter and once the thaw started I began thinking about the cycling season. Spring is now officially here and the forest has been released from the grip of ice packed roads and snow covered trails. The roads are being cleaned of the leftover grit from snow treatments and the signs of the seasonal change are showing up everywhere.

I embarked on my first official mountain bike ride and road ride this weekend. Sure I’ve been riding occasionally over the winter but only on my townie cruiser so that doesn’t really count. They weren’t long rides but just enough to make me realize two things. First, I really miss riding and second, three months of snowboarding didn’t do much to prepare me for being on a bike.

It’s safe to say I have a lot of work to get back into cycling shape which means is I’ll get to spend more time pedaling around and why would I complain about that? While the snowboarding season is over we definitely had a good one. The official tally was 82 days of open slopes. Now, I’ll have a solid seven months to ride. It’s just one vicious series of crazy fun activity. I’m just glad I’ve got the other two months of the year to reorganize gear and rest.

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