Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yinz Get Outta Here N’at

Since I’ve been living in the SC, there has always been one event that occurs every winter. Sometime in late January or early February we get a wicked crazy heat wave for about sixteen hours. While this warming trend really sucks for digging trenches on the slopes (at least in the days after), it’s kind of nice because it’s a minor blip on the radar of spring (not you; the season. It’s a lower case ess) that, for some reason, gets my subconscious thinking about the impending warmth. Of course this can only mean that the trails will soon be ready to open up and reveal their sweet sweet goodness once again.

For some reason, we didn’t get that warm spell this year. In fact, it’s been the exact opposite where the temperatures have been extremely low. Needless to say it’s been rather cold. While I’m not complaining, the chilly temperatures have kept this gilded lily (yeah that’s me) on his indoor trainer for any type of cycling experience. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, however this year it’s caused me to consider drastic measures.

Typically, I like to end my season of snowy goodness with a trip out west to enjoy some steeps, powder, and back country summits. This year, however, I’m considering the conclusion of my snowboarding season will be a trip down south, to ride a bike. That’s right; I’m trying to get an excursion together and visit some very good friends that have recently relocated to the Atlanta area. While I won’t hold their geographical location against them, I will allow Lucy to make at least one of the items that have been showcased here.

1 comment:

Lucy Delaney said...

deal! I am excited to have you (and anyone else) for some GA warmth...