Sunday, February 6, 2011

Unadvantageous Plugs

So this past weekend, my father, who has been retired for many years and enjoys his time without doing manual labor, decided to visit the SC for some good ole fashioned elbow-grease laden work on the house of his youngest child; me. While ridiculously fit, my father can only handle so much strenuous lifting and heavy-duty work, so the fact that he spent two days with me revamping my basement is a testament to his resolve. I love my father very much and appreciate everything he did for me over this past weekend and the multiple years this work took off his life. Unfortunately, I’m not going to tell you about all the sacrifices my aged father made to spend time with me.

Instead, I’m going to talk about my “friend” Jeremy. So Jeremy has this little business that he likes to think is awesome. I suppose it has a certain cache if you’re into that whole mountain biking or trail running or outdoor lifestyle that the limited few odd-ball, wacko, hippie types like to enjoy. If that’s you, then by all means, be sure to check out his wicked awesome website about all kinds of trail goodness. It’s actually super stylin’ but not nearly as cool as my dad. Of course, we’re not talking about my pop anymore. Jerome gets the goods now, so please check out his site, and if you see my father, tell him he was bonzer this weekend. I was planning to do that in this post, but I don’t want Jeremy to think I wasn’t listening to him.

1 comment:

Lucy Delaney said...

you pop's sounds cool, as is Jeremy's website...however, when I began reading this I thought you were going to write about your father's new plugs and I was a little grossed out. Just sayin'...