Sunday, October 17, 2010


Don’t let the title of this post fool you. While I’d like to tell you a story of how I had a relaxing and casual weekend; the reality is that this weekend was no different than most. However, instead of spending time out in the woods being radical, I was spending time being “responsible.”

This weekend marked the annual refresher that I must attend to maintain my position in good standing with the Nation Ski Patrol. That basically means that I had to get up crazy early and drive an hour and a half to run through various scenarios that I might encounter in my day-to-day while patrolling the local ski hill. In reality I may never experience most of these scenarios presented, but there is definitely a lot of value in learning the variety of medical situations that could arise throughout the course of a season.

While I truly do appreciate the fact that this is a necessary evil and I whole heartedly admit that I need all the help I can get in having the basics drilled into my head, it would have been nice if this wasn’t a 70 degree weekend with abundant sunshine. See, we’re getting into mid October and that means that weekends like this are few and far between. It means that I’ll need to start changing my yard work schedule from mowing grass to splitting wood. More to the point though, I don’t feel like I’ve had adequate time to get in all the riding I’ve wanted, and that’s what really keeps me refreshed.

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