Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Break

I’ve been really tired lately. It’s as if I haven’t been able to get enough rest to keep me going through the week. I wasn’t exactly sure why I didn’t have any energy during the week but clearly something was off. I seemed to be getting a decent amount of sleep, I hadn’t changed my diet, but Monday through Friday I was having great difficulty dragging myself into the office. Then I realized what the cause of this fatigue might be.

See, on the weekends, I try to pack in as much activity as I can. I get up early, stay up late, and usually do something that uses a lot of energy. Whether it’s riding, yard work, traveling, or entertaining guests, I get very little rest on the weekends. I don’t typically notice that I’m at all tired because it’s my time and I want to use it to the fullest. Of course, when Monday morning rolls around I struggle to drag myself out of bed and into the office and this is typically the case for the next several days.

Finally, this weekend I decided to mix things up a bit. Saturday I was up really early, did a bunch of yard work, went on a mountain bike ride for about three hours, then went to an “End of Summer before the Students Come Back” party. This was a typical Saturday for me. Then on Sunday I decided to do nothing. I mean flat out absolutely nothing. Sure there was a plan for a ride, but it was raining in the morning so I spent the entire day on the couch. I napped a bit, watched some television, and basically did nothing and I’m very okay with that.

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