Sunday, February 12, 2012

Escalation of Parts

This weekend I decided to tackle a few much needed projects inside my house. The weather was finally cold so being outside was not in the program for me. I have many grand plans for work that I would like to accomplish in my home but this weekend was going to include a few simple electrical projects. Of course, as these tasks usually go for me, this one simple item turned into much more of a production than I expected.

My plan for this weekend was to increase the number of lights in my hallway from zero lights to two lights. It’s a dark space and I like being able to see what’s in front of me. I mapped out what I needed to do and made a list of items to buy. I have several other enlightening endeavors in other areas of my house that I intend to work on in the near future so I decided I would buy some of the supplies for those projects as well. Also, since I was going to the home store I figured I’d pick up a few things to assist with another project or two I intend to do at some point. I mean why not, right?

Well, to make a long story short, I made two trips to the home store, hemorrhaged piles of money, and ended up spending about seven hours installing two stupid recessed cans in my stupid hallway. The project is not completed as there is no power to the lights yet. I managed to get insanely frustrated, yelled many profanities (loudly), and covered myself in insulation from (literally) crawling around in my attic. Of course, I now have some really cool plumbing tools that maybe someday I’ll get to use.

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