This was a busy weekend for me. Since it was the Labor Day Holiday (and therefore a three-day weekend) I made the most of it. I did a little of everything including visiting with friends, riding my bike, putting a new water pump in my car, cutting brush out of the yard (that was no small undertaking), and cooking food in a trash can. That’s right, a trash can.
See, I enjoy everything pig. From the bacon, to the tenderloin to the chops, and even the scrapple, pork is pretty much always delicious. I decided to make myself a smoker so
I could enjoy one of my favorite types of pork, the barbeque. I found some make-shift instructions on the interweb for making a smoker out of a trash can so I figured I should give it a go. Getting the thing to function properly is a story in itself, but rest assured, about one year and way too much money went into this contraption, but I finally managed to get it working. This weekend marked the maiden voyage of Sir Smokes-a-Lot.
I’ll admit, I was a little skeptical about cooking food in a trash can, but I figured if there was someone on the net-xtravaganza claiming that it worked than who was I to question the legitimacy. I put a slab of meat in the smoker this morning and went about some yard work with frequent checks to monitor the temperature and smoke content. As the day progressed, everything seemed to be working out as planned. After about seven and a half hours I had a properly cooked and smoked hunk of meat that was quite delicious.
Sure I learned a few things along the way and may do some things differently for the next smoking but for the most part it was a success. The one change I’ll certainly make before the next time is switching from a plastic can to a metal one. No matter how much sauce you use it’s hard to cover up that taste.
See, I enjoy everything pig. From the bacon, to the tenderloin to the chops, and even the scrapple, pork is pretty much always delicious. I decided to make myself a smoker so

I’ll admit, I was a little skeptical about cooking food in a trash can, but I figured if there was someone on the net-xtravaganza claiming that it worked than who was I to question the legitimacy. I put a slab of meat in the smoker this morning and went about some yard work with frequent checks to monitor the temperature and smoke content. As the day progressed, everything seemed to be working out as planned. After about seven and a half hours I had a properly cooked and smoked hunk of meat that was quite delicious.
Sure I learned a few things along the way and may do some things differently for the next smoking but for the most part it was a success. The one change I’ll certainly make before the next time is switching from a plastic can to a metal one. No matter how much sauce you use it’s hard to cover up that taste.
Yeah, you gotta go metal. We have friends who do Garbage Can meals several times a year. They put in sausage, cabbage, potatoes, corn on the cob, and carrots. Feeds a ton of people and so delicious.
You LIE! I see a metal trash can in your picture.
That is a lot of cut "brush" and what a sweet lookin' screened patio out back.
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