I’ve been posting to this blog now for almost an entire year. In that time, I’ve had several visitors drop in and take the time to read the worthless blather that I’ve spewed out. I’ve also had a few regulars continue to stop by for a quick read. This past weekend I got the chance to meet one of the anonymous people that read my weekly post. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s a “fan” because that implies they might actually enjoy what I write. I thought it was kind of flattering, but at the same time a bit nerve wracking.
See here’s the deal-e-o yo; I found myself at a distinct disadvantage. I’ll admit, I’m a bit of a “Look At Me, Look At Me” type of person which also translates to a need to be the center of attention. Because of this, I like to dictate (read: be in control of) how a conversation might go. Here’s an example:
(Me) “Hi I’m Eric.”
(Other person) “Hi Eric, I’m [insert name here].”
(Me) “Let me tell you about how awesome I am. Also, I’ll take everything you say and turn it around to be something about me therefore emphasizing my self-centeredness and unquenched need for attention.”
Since this person I was talking to (let’s call her Emily) has been keeping up with my weekly ramblings, she had an insight into my world, yet I had no clue about her. To top it off, she grew up just down the road from where I grew up so she also knew about the geography that helped to shape my childhood. It was definitely not my normal conversation stream.
After a bit though, I came to terms with the situation because she was pretty cool (despite her being from the Valley). It was also nice to meet a complete stranger that has been patient enough to keep up with my day-to-day. Also, the possibly of having at least one fan (sorry Mom, you don’t qualify) is always a nice little boost to the ego. Oh yeah, and to the ladies at the Monday Night Book Club who tend to follow along as well, thanks for being my “fans” (even if you’re not).
See here’s the deal-e-o yo; I found myself at a distinct disadvantage. I’ll admit, I’m a bit of a “Look At Me, Look At Me” type of person which also translates to a need to be the center of attention. Because of this, I like to dictate (read: be in control of) how a conversation might go. Here’s an example:
(Me) “Hi I’m Eric.”
(Other person) “Hi Eric, I’m [insert name here].”
(Me) “Let me tell you about how awesome I am. Also, I’ll take everything you say and turn it around to be something about me therefore emphasizing my self-centeredness and unquenched need for attention.”
Since this person I was talking to (let’s call her Emily) has been keeping up with my weekly ramblings, she had an insight into my world, yet I had no clue about her. To top it off, she grew up just down the road from where I grew up so she also knew about the geography that helped to shape my childhood. It was definitely not my normal conversation stream.
After a bit though, I came to terms with the situation because she was pretty cool (despite her being from the Valley). It was also nice to meet a complete stranger that has been patient enough to keep up with my day-to-day. Also, the possibly of having at least one fan (sorry Mom, you don’t qualify) is always a nice little boost to the ego. Oh yeah, and to the ladies at the Monday Night Book Club who tend to follow along as well, thanks for being my “fans” (even if you’re not).
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