Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hello Ladies

Today is Mother's Day.  I know that because it says so on my calendar.  This is the one day out of the year where moms all over the world get to sit back, relax, and forget all their responsibilities for the entire day.  Typically, the men in their lives take care of all the day-to-day activities so that moms can have the day off.  Personally, I think giving moms even one day off every year is entirely too much.

The way I see it, moms are typically the voice of reason and keep us menfolk out of trouble.  Sure, I had some disagreements with my mother when I was growing up and some punishments were handed down but it was typically for my own good.  I would accept my sentence even when my mother was completely wrong.  The bottom line is, we need moms to do their mom-thing twenty four hours a day.  Some of the people I know can do some amazingly ridiculous things in just one day and need that motherly supervision all the time (It's possible that I might fall into this category).  

So for all the current and future moms out there, thanks for everything.  We couldn't do it without you and you should be celebrated every day of the year; not just one Sunday in May.  Luckily, Father's Day is far enough away that I can probably recycle this post.  After all, dads are kind of important too.  

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