I assume it’s the time of year but I’m starting to hit a breaking point. I’m getting completely fed up with being cold. I realize that’s kind of a sissy thing to say, but it’s true. We’re midway through April I would have expected things to start warming up by now but it’s not happening nearly as fast as I would like. Sure we’ve had a few teaser days of real warmth but nothing that says, “Put on the sandals and sit outside all night long.” This lack of warmth bothers me for several reasons but mostly it’s about the bike.
Since the beginning of March I’ve been in that mid-seasonal funk where the slopes are closed, yet it’s not warm enough for a gilded-lily like me to regularly be on my bike. I’ve taken advantage of the few warm days but that’s just enough to make me mad and also realize that I need to ride more. Between the ridiculous amounts of rain and the less than warm temperatures, I haven’t been able to get out much and it’s driving me crazy. 

I guess if I was tough I’d be out riding regardless of the conditions. Then maybe I’d end up like Jared taking first at the Steel City Showdown today or like Vicki crushing every event she enters. I, of course, am woefully less disciplined and don’t like riding when my water bottles freeze. If my pleas for warm weather to ride aren’t enough, I would at least like to see the grass I planted back in March start to grow.
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