This past weekend marked the annual spring gobbler hunt and pig roast Brian hosts at his family’s camp. Usually camp officially opens on Thursday night with dinner and typically only a few people make it out therefore the Friday morning hunt is a small group. This year I decided to take a day off of work so I could hunt on Friday morning and enjoy some additional quiet time at camp. While I had never done an entire camp weekend (for any season) I had been out on several single day hunts so I had an idea of what to expect but I was in for a surprise.
So this was the weekend plan: get up early on Friday and hunt all morning, do some work at the cabin Friday afternoon and get a decent night of sleep. Saturday we would get up early to hunt and get back to the cabin before noon to prepare for the evening’s festivities.
Even though Saturday was going to be more of a family environment, the two days prior would be full-on man camp. It would be all about shooting guns, playing cards, telling lies, drinking a beer or two, fishing at the pond and doing our best to shoot a turkey. Like most good plans though, there is always room for alterations.
So my abbreviated report of camp goes something like this: we ate way too much food that was way too salty, drank way too much beer, stayed up way too late, got up way too early, and had way too few vegetables (unless iced animal crackers count as a vegetable). I realize this is not the most detailed bit of storytelling but in my defense I’m not leaving out details because there is some code that you can’t talk about camp, it’s more because I don’t necessarily remember a whole lot more than that.
In the end though, it was a great weekend. Being out in the woods for a few days to hunt in the morning and relax on a porch in the afternoon isn’t a bad way to spend some time. As a final note I think it’s important to point out that no turkeys were harmed during the weekend of research for this post. In fact, no one even got off a shot, but it was still a lot of fun trying.
So this was the weekend plan: get up early on Friday and hunt all morning, do some work at the cabin Friday afternoon and get a decent night of sleep. Saturday we would get up early to hunt and get back to the cabin before noon to prepare for the evening’s festivities.

So my abbreviated report of camp goes something like this: we ate way too much food that was way too salty, drank way too much beer, stayed up way too late, got up way too early, and had way too few vegetables (unless iced animal crackers count as a vegetable). I realize this is not the most detailed bit of storytelling but in my defense I’m not leaving out details because there is some code that you can’t talk about camp, it’s more because I don’t necessarily remember a whole lot more than that.
In the end though, it was a great weekend. Being out in the woods for a few days to hunt in the morning and relax on a porch in the afternoon isn’t a bad way to spend some time. As a final note I think it’s important to point out that no turkeys were harmed during the weekend of research for this post. In fact, no one even got off a shot, but it was still a lot of fun trying.
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