So I have this friend, Andrea. She and I met a long time ago when I was working in Georgia. We worked at the same agency in with me starting about six months prior to her. Before she started working we got along fine. I helped her and her (now) husband move into their house and welcomed them to the area. Of course, once we actually were working in the same office our personalities clashed in a big way. I don’t know the technical term but basically we couldn’t stand each other. This continued for about six months but then one day we made amends and have been very good friends ever since. Of course, I use the term friends loosely in her case.
After a few years of working together Andrea decided to take a job in Harrisburg, PA just outside of where I grew up and where most of my family still lives.
Since we were on better terms by this point I encouraged her to contact my family for help with moving and getting acclimated to the area. Again, this would seem to indicate a healthy and normal relationship, but it gets better. Now I’m living in the SC and travel frequently to visit my family (still in the Harrisburg area) so I see Andrea and her family quite often.
Nothing about this seems at all out of sorts but the relationship that Andrea and I have seemed to settle in on is one of antagonism and something I like to call my evil social conscience. Andrea has a way of putting me in my place. Now granted, it’s usually deserved but sometimes she’ll take matters into her own hands and goes out of her way to make things difficult at my expense. This almost exclusively happens regarding women. Even though we live about two hours away and she only knows a handful of the women I know (mostly because she introduced me) this happens more than I’d like and usually does not end well for me. Andrea likes to say that her second job in life is keeping me in line. I guess it’s kind of flattering since she’s a wife, a mother, has a high caliber job, and taking care of me is her second job but maybe that’s not much of a compliment.
I can say though, for all of our differences and angst in our relationship, I love her very dearly and cherish her friendship. Of course her husband is definitely the cooler half in that relationship and their daughter trumps them both. Also, she could win a few cool points if she wasn’t such a Barry Manilow fan.
After a few years of working together Andrea decided to take a job in Harrisburg, PA just outside of where I grew up and where most of my family still lives.

Nothing about this seems at all out of sorts but the relationship that Andrea and I have seemed to settle in on is one of antagonism and something I like to call my evil social conscience. Andrea has a way of putting me in my place. Now granted, it’s usually deserved but sometimes she’ll take matters into her own hands and goes out of her way to make things difficult at my expense. This almost exclusively happens regarding women. Even though we live about two hours away and she only knows a handful of the women I know (mostly because she introduced me) this happens more than I’d like and usually does not end well for me. Andrea likes to say that her second job in life is keeping me in line. I guess it’s kind of flattering since she’s a wife, a mother, has a high caliber job, and taking care of me is her second job but maybe that’s not much of a compliment.
I can say though, for all of our differences and angst in our relationship, I love her very dearly and cherish her friendship. Of course her husband is definitely the cooler half in that relationship and their daughter trumps them both. Also, she could win a few cool points if she wasn’t such a Barry Manilow fan.