Sunday, July 19, 2009

Fun With Homes

This weekend, all of my friends were off being extreme at various races in different states. iScott finished an ultra marathon in Vermont (congratulations Scott!) while everyone else was in New York doing a mountain bike race (Six Hours of Power) and getting podium spots. While I had the option to go to New York, I (reluctantly) decided to stay in State College.

What did I do this weekend you ask? I mowed grass, cleaned gutters, took down part of a split rail fence, filled in the holes from the posts of said fence, unpacked some of my belongings and moved stuff from one house to another. Fortunately the owners of the home I was moving things from weren’t home so that made things a lot easier. Okay that wasn’t funny but still, this weekend was a lot of work to say the least.

People keep telling me that owning a home is a great idea. I’m not sure if I’m ready to fully accept that notion. I’ve owned a home for about three weeks now and all I’ve done is yard work, moved stuff, and spent money. It hasn’t been all that much fun. In fact, I haven’t even spent a night in the house yet. It’s a little slow going now, but I really do think it’s going to be fun and I’m looking forward to that point. I’ll keep you posted on when it happens.

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