Okay, this won’t be the most exciting post in the world but it’s been a long couple of days and I’m tired so this is all you’re getting.
This was an interesting weekend. On Sunday the Rothrock State Forest played host to the Stoopid 50 Mountain Bike Race, courtesy of Shenandoah Mountain Touring. This race wouldn’t have been possible without a lot of great volunteers like the crew from Freeze Thaw Cycles and many other fantastic people (that includes you Cathy). It was an amazing day for a ride and a lot of cyclers showed up to race. Of course, that wasn’t the only thing that happened this weekend.
While having a wicked fun mountain bike race in my backyard would normally be the
subject of my post, I’m not going to write about it. There will be plenty of other race recaps for you to check out if you’re really interested. The other event that occurred today was my housemate Brian departed for an excursion out west. For the next six weeks (or so) Brian will be mountain biking, fishing, skiing, and relaxing in Colorado, Utah, and Montana. When he gets back, however, I will have relocated.
I’ve been renting a room in Brian’s house for about two years. While that’s not a long time, He’s the first person I’ve shared a living space with since I was in college. On top of that, Brian will be moving shortly after he returns. It’s a big stage in both our lives because I’m buying a house and Brian is getting a real job so he’ll finally be using his PhD for something other than picking up women.
This was an interesting weekend. On Sunday the Rothrock State Forest played host to the Stoopid 50 Mountain Bike Race, courtesy of Shenandoah Mountain Touring. This race wouldn’t have been possible without a lot of great volunteers like the crew from Freeze Thaw Cycles and many other fantastic people (that includes you Cathy). It was an amazing day for a ride and a lot of cyclers showed up to race. Of course, that wasn’t the only thing that happened this weekend.
While having a wicked fun mountain bike race in my backyard would normally be the
I’ve been renting a room in Brian’s house for about two years. While that’s not a long time, He’s the first person I’ve shared a living space with since I was in college. On top of that, Brian will be moving shortly after he returns. It’s a big stage in both our lives because I’m buying a house and Brian is getting a real job so he’ll finally be using his PhD for something other than picking up women.
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