Over the past weekend, the SC saw a solid week of chilly temperatures. When I say chilly, I mean wicked cold; like highs in the low teens. These were the kinds of temperatures that made it hard to breathe if you were outside and made you not want to be outside at all. It was also the kind of weather that is ideal for keeping (and making) snow on the slopes. Luckily for me, the was my weekend to be on shift (trying) to keep all the patrons safe.
My schedule called for me to be at the mountain from open to four pea em on Saturday (a seven hour shift) and the entire day on Sunday (plus two hours of training after) which made for an eleven hour day. Luckily, conditions were ideal, which meant I was on my board for a majority of the time. Also however, to keep things interesting, I hiked for a few turns too. This, unfortunately meant that I was sweating; a lot.
I'll put it to you this way: I really only have one solid set of base layers that I wear when I'm on the mountain. When the conditions are good I ride my board as much as I can. This also means that I'm going to get really warm in my gear, regardless of how cold it is. When you add in the hikes you only increase the bodily warmth by a factor of three (at the minimum).
So there I was, wearing the same kit for two straight days, for eighteen hours on the slopes, for (at least) four hours of before and after time, for way longer than I should have without any semblance of cleaning in between wears. As you can imagine, I was/am beyond ripe. Luckily, I have a girlfriend that doesn't care about how (bad) I smell. And fortunately for me, she spent her first day on the slopes and didn't hate it.