So a couple of posts ago, I mentioned (and included a picture) my wicked awesome new handlebar mustache. Over the past few weeks of having said awesome handlebar mustache I've received a lot of mixed reactions. That is, some people really like it and some people really don't.
While I haven't been conducting an actual survey, I think it's fair to say that the women I've asked typically don't like it (but aren't surprised that I have it). This (unfortunately) includes my girlfriend. On the other hand, I've received a lot of compliments from guys that think it's fantastic. In most cases, these accolades have been unsolicited, but I'll take all the positive feedback I can get.
I think it generally breaks down like this: the ladies don't like it because I look like a 70's porn star (not my analogy) even though I've done nothing to encourage this comparison. The guys like it because they either can't grow a solid mustache or they aren't allowed to grow one. I can only assume their significant others exert more influence over them than mine.
As the weather continues to change and the cold air moves in I think I'll have to give up the mustache and grow back the beard. It will be more comfortable when I'm on the slopes this year and quite possibly (and more importantly) there will be one less reason for my girlfriend to question what she's doing with me.