Recently, while at my nine to fiver, I was talking with a friend who I happen to be doing some business with. While on the phone, we engaged in some general small-talk before getting to the actual work matter at hand. At one point, Roman (not his real name) asked me how things were going at work. I replied that it was work and I didn’t like doing it. This response led us down a road of comical and profound discussion.
See, the way I figure it, nobody, and I mean nobody, likes their job. They don’t like to work, and they don’t want to go to work. I’d be willing to bet that, if given the choice, no one would actually say that they were completely satisfied going to the office whether it be in the home or at a remote location. I will concede that some people tolerate their specific vocation enough to not want to jump off a bridge, but there isn’t a single person that dreads five o’clock and the close of business (personal home life is not considered in this equation).
To prove my point, I ask you this; when was the last time you woke up and said to yourself, “YES!” “I’m awake and get to spend another day doing (insert lame job here)!” Or, when was the last time a Friday rolled around and you were sad to have several days away from work? For that matter, when was the last time you weren’t thinking about the weekend on a Thursday afternoon?
Now, you may be saying there are plenty of people (maybe you’re one of them) that LOVE their jobs. I would say you’re a liar and that you don’t actually have a job. You instead have a hobby. People that have jobs need them to pay the bills and to maintain a certain lifestyle. People who say they love their “jobs” have the means to quit them at any point, thus making it a hobby.
While I don’t necessarily like my job, I’m happy to have one. I don’t completely hate it but there are definitely days that I would prefer doing something else. If I had the means to maintain my current gear habit I would quit my job in a heartbeat and pick up a hobby. Of course I don’t see that happening anytime soon so I guess I’ll be back flying my desk on Monday morning and counting the hours until Friday afternoon.
See, the way I figure it, nobody, and I mean nobody, likes their job. They don’t like to work, and they don’t want to go to work. I’d be willing to bet that, if given the choice, no one would actually say that they were completely satisfied going to the office whether it be in the home or at a remote location. I will concede that some people tolerate their specific vocation enough to not want to jump off a bridge, but there isn’t a single person that dreads five o’clock and the close of business (personal home life is not considered in this equation).
To prove my point, I ask you this; when was the last time you woke up and said to yourself, “YES!” “I’m awake and get to spend another day doing (insert lame job here)!” Or, when was the last time a Friday rolled around and you were sad to have several days away from work? For that matter, when was the last time you weren’t thinking about the weekend on a Thursday afternoon?
Now, you may be saying there are plenty of people (maybe you’re one of them) that LOVE their jobs. I would say you’re a liar and that you don’t actually have a job. You instead have a hobby. People that have jobs need them to pay the bills and to maintain a certain lifestyle. People who say they love their “jobs” have the means to quit them at any point, thus making it a hobby.
While I don’t necessarily like my job, I’m happy to have one. I don’t completely hate it but there are definitely days that I would prefer doing something else. If I had the means to maintain my current gear habit I would quit my job in a heartbeat and pick up a hobby. Of course I don’t see that happening anytime soon so I guess I’ll be back flying my desk on Monday morning and counting the hours until Friday afternoon.