Well, this post officially marks the end of the “post every day for a week” week. It was easier than I thought, however some of the material I ended up using wasn’t the most riveting stuff in the world (but then again, neither is this). Either way, I’m happy and I hope I was able to adequately waste some of your time, Cathy.
Today is Halloween. According to the rules, I’ll be at home later tonight waiting for people dressed in costumes to show up at my house looking for stuff (in this case it’s candy). W
hen you think about this, it seems like an odd way to get things from your neighbors. Imagine if this was practiced all year long. What if people had to dress in costume to get stuff from those living nearby? “Honey, can you go next door and ask the Taylor’s for an egg? I need one more for this cake I’m baking. Oh and there’s a gorilla suit in the closet you can wear.” That’s just silly.
When I was a kid, there was a house in my neighborhood where a magician lived. I learned early on not to go to his house looking for candy. The first time my friends and I went to his house it was like any other on the block. We walked up to the door, rang the bell, and waited for him to answer. When he did, we gave the obligatory “Trick or Treat!” He proceeded to pull rabbit out of a hat and close the door. I was not amused. Later that night, we treated his front stoop to feast of smashed pumpkins.
The moral to this story: Irony is lost on kids looking for a sugar fix.
Happy Halloween!
Today is Halloween. According to the rules, I’ll be at home later tonight waiting for people dressed in costumes to show up at my house looking for stuff (in this case it’s candy). W

When I was a kid, there was a house in my neighborhood where a magician lived. I learned early on not to go to his house looking for candy. The first time my friends and I went to his house it was like any other on the block. We walked up to the door, rang the bell, and waited for him to answer. When he did, we gave the obligatory “Trick or Treat!” He proceeded to pull rabbit out of a hat and close the door. I was not amused. Later that night, we treated his front stoop to feast of smashed pumpkins.
The moral to this story: Irony is lost on kids looking for a sugar fix.
Happy Halloween!